Chapter 2

1 Trouble to those who plan bad things and do evil in their beds! When morning comes, they do it because they can.
2 They desire fields and seize them with force; and homes, and take them: so they crush a person and his family, even a person and his inheritance.
3 So God says: Look, I am planning a disaster against this family, which you cannot stop; you will not walk proudly, for this time is bad.
4 On that day someone will tell a story against you, mourn with deep sorrow, and say, “We are completely ruined. He has altered what belonged to our people. How has he taken it away from me? While turning aside, he has split our land.”
5 You will have no one to divide land by casting lots in God’s assembly.
6 Don’t prophesy, they tell the prophets: they must not prophesy, so they won’t feel ashamed.
7 You who are known as the family of Jacob, is God’s spirit limited? Are these his actions? Don’t my words benefit those who live rightly?
8 Recently, my people have turned into enemies: you take the coat and clothes from those who walk by peacefully, like people who dislike war.
9 You have forced the women of my people out of their nice homes, and you have taken my honor away from their children forever.
10 Get up and leave; this place is not your rest: it’s unclean and will ruin you with terrible destruction.
11 If a man walks in the spirit and lies, saying, “I will tell you about wine and strong drink,” he will be considered a prophet by these people.
12 I will definitely bring together all of you, Jacob; I will gather the leftovers of Israel; I will put them as the sheep in Bozrah, as a group in their pen: they will make a loud sound because there are so many people.
13 The leader has gone ahead of them: they have smashed through, walked through the gate, and left by it: their king will lead them, with God at their front.